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My Experience With COVID-19

As I'm sure the world has known, COVID-19 has spread throughout the entire planet. This virus has been known to end the lives of many people's loved ones and end the freedoms that people have once beheld. This sole virus is a huge reason why the nation has been become more divided on how we should protect the people of this deadly disease. Some say that we need to shut the entire country down so it'll pass over, others like myself believe that we cannot let this virus stop us from living our lives. We cannot shut the country down, cause businesses cannot make money and consumers can't buy what they need to help their essential needs and potentially increasing the death toll. It's this big slippery slope of scenarios where it's bad news for all citizens who legally reside in this country.

Enough with my opinions about how the country should've handled it, let's talk about what the title of this post is about. I got tested positive for COVID-19 on January 31st of 2022. The variant that I had was unknown, but if I had to take a guess on which "variant" I got, it would probably be Omicron since I heard that it is the least deadly out of all the other ones. The symptoms that I had were started with a sore throat, leading to a headache, and having a stuffy nose. The coughing lasted for days and would not go away for a long time, but drinking a bunch of water definitely sped up the recovering process. I stayed isolated in my college dorm for a total of 10 days, got retested to make sure I was completely over it.

Even though I got COVID, it still doesn't stop me from not wearing a mask while I am outside since I want to breathe the fresh air. I still wear my mask inside the malls since my county is still requiring masks to be worn inside, regardless of your vaccination status. Supposedly on March 2nd, my county will be the absolute LAST county to remove the indoor mandate, let's see if that holds true.


  1. This is the sad truth about COVID. My father remembers when the flu spread rapidly and people were dying. He said..."We just wore our masks for a few months, then went back to our lives once we knew it was endemic."

    COVID may spread faster and many people died because the disease hadn't affected enough people yet.. Now that it has, there will be some strains which are severe and some which are light. We just need to manage it now. That is all we can do.


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