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Roe vs. Wade: Should It Be Overturned?


Giving a BIG thank you to the SCOTUS who "accidentally" leaked the information that the Supreme Court is trying to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Oh boy here we go, the topic where apparently ONLY WOMEN get to have a say on this movement and where men are not allowed to have ANY sort of say. Let me first start off by saying that men are allowed to have some sort of say, in what happens to the kid, but it is ultimately the woman's decision. The topic of abortion is so controversial to the point where I, myself, don't have a one-sided opinion on this. Here's the problem, should abortion be a woman's right or a privilege?

History of Roe vs. Wade

Abortion was not accessible in all 50 states, it was provided in at most 4 states. In 1973, this was considered a lawsuit to give women the right to be able to have an abortion. The name "Roe" comes from a woman named Jane Roe, which is a pseudonym for Norma McCorvey, who lived in Texas. She got pregnant and wanted to get an abortion. By the time the law passed, she had already given birth and given the baby up for adoption. A man named Henry Wade was a state attorney of Texas and wanted to enforce a law to prohibit the procedure on an exception for saving a woman's life. The lawsuit was won on a vote of 7-2 legalizing abortion IF they're in the first trimester.

Pros of Roe vs. Wade

A woman has every right to do what she wants with her body, the government should not be infringing on what they should do. Sometimes accidents happen, and some people have unwanted pregnancies. Most cases are because of women that get raped, therefore it should be understandable where she does not want the kid. Why would anyone want to have a kid that reminds them of a horrific event that took place in their life? I would definitely not want to share a kid with a person who traumatized me! Women deserve to have the right of choice to do what they want, but the government wants to take away that freedom of choice from women like me? I don't think so, the republicans preach about having a freedom of choice whether or not they want to wear a mask, get the vaccine, etc. When it comes to abortion, do they definitely want to take that choice away? Yes. That's a bit hypocritical on their part, not gonna lie.

Cons of Roe vs. Wade

Point blank, you are killing a human being! There are so many debates on when the human is alive, is it when the sperm first meets the egg, when the baby becomes born, or when the heartbeat first starts? It doesn't matter when the human is "alive", you are still killing something that will turn into a human. People will treat abortion as a form of birth control and not carefully think about their actions, it will mess up your ability to reproduce in the future if you get too many of these procedures done. There are those people out there that regret having an abortion and cannot take back the life that they killed! Why would anyone want to live with a decision that can be harmful to one's mental health? Women may not even be able to get pregnant later on in life because sometimes life just happens and it won't work, and the only kid that they could have had, they went and killed the poor baby.

My Final Thoughts

There is no such thing as "safe abortion", period. You are removing a fetus, a fetus is human, and humans feel pain, it's a big slippery slope of cause and effect. As for my stance on this topic, I am on the fence, there is no possible way for me to be one-sided on this. I believe that women should have the ability to access places to get an abortion because of unwanted circumstances. HOWEVER, women should not abuse this procedure to be used as birth control, it will screw you over in the long run, because if women were to want kids in the future, they will not be able to! Another thing, people should not be forcing the idea of abortion being a damn free-for-all! There are always going to be people that have a different opinion than you so, STOP FORCING YOUR IDEAS ON PEOPLE EXPECTING THEM TO IMMEDIATELY SWITCH OPINIONS! People that pull this shit are trying to take away others' freedom of choice to believe what they want to believe. It's either their ideology or the highway, and it should not be that way! I would NEVER tell someone to not get an abortion just because I don't believe in it, because I cannot control people's actions, seriously though, people need to let other people live their lives without fighting over these issues.

I hear so many people saying that men need to take FULL responsibility for getting a girl pregnant and not being careful, THAT SHIT IS FALSE! Both parties need to take responsibility for their actions! It takes TWO people to do the deed, it's not rocket science. The whole "Me Too" movement is the thing that encourages women to blame men thinking that they can get away with anything they want. This world is becoming screwed up to where men are being dehumanized and are becoming cowardly to the women. Men need to be brave and stand up for themselves! Women need to stop being a victim and playing into the whole movement just because they want to get ahead and break the "glass ceiling". 


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