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CANCEL Cancel Culture!

I cannot believe we have come to a time in our lives where we have to be either blindly going along with what the majority says and make "disposable friends" or be an independent, free-thinker and get shit on by the majority. Which pill will you take? It's time to educate the weak-minded on the toxicity of cancel culture and remind the strong-minded ones not to cave.

What is Cancel Culture?


According to Merriam Webster, cancel culture is defined as, "as a way of showing disproval and exerting social pressure" (Webster). So it's a way of bullying people to death until they cave to the audience and doing what they want. So much for the left's "anti-bullying" agenda, am I right?

Why Cancel Culture Is Redundant

These celebs are canceled for about a couple hours, then the problem blows over with a simple apology or is forgotten about by the time a new big headline comes out. You cannot permanently end these people's careers because they are smart enough to find a way around these issues and barriers that are standing before them.

Why is it glorified?

This sort of culture is nothing but an attempt to have power over another. The thought of cancelling someone because they did something wrong makes people feel better about themselves. For people that feel absolutely horrible about themselves, they like to look for any negative thing a celebrity does just to point it out and temporarily feel good about themselves. 

I would like to add something, when was it okay for fans to tell the celebrity what to think and believe, shouldn't these celebrities' own thoughts and values be role models for their fans? Not the other way around? Apparently, that does not work anymore because the mob controls every single move a celebrity or person they don't like makes.

What does it solve?

Absolutely NOTHING!

Examples of Cancel Culture At Work

Nicki Minaj

Recently, Nicki Minaj wrote a tweet about how one of her cousins got the vaccine and his testicles swelled. She advised her fans to put more research on what the vaccine does before they choose whether or not to get the vaccine. Many people interpreted this tweet by saying do NOT get the vaccine or even stating that she is anti-vaccine. She later went on Instagram Live to talk about the hypocrisy the Left has done. She has since not been using Twitter and labels it as very toxic social media.

Rosanne Barr

If you have heard of that sitcom, Rosanne, this is where this lead actress is from. She made a racist comment about an advisor for Barack Obama which caused her to be canceled from her own show. While the remaining actors and actresses are still on the show, renamed, The Carters, Barr had to be "barred" from her own show due to her social media mistake. 

Donald Trump

Our president was DE-platformed because of the January 6 riot that happened earlier this year. He specifically said in his speech that he knows that people are going to march to the Capital to "peacefully and patriotically" protest, but somehow, he never said those words. In fact, he was blamed for starting the entire riot in the first place because another news source said that he will be with those people as they go to the Capital to protest along with them. That incident that he never started caused him to have his social media accounts suspended and is not allowed to use his first amendment right to communicate with the people of the United States. He is currently creating a lawsuit to sue Google, Facebook, and Twitter that his being canceled from using social media is a violation of his first amendment rights. He is currently working on a social media platform where people are able to speak freely about their thoughts and opinions, although it is not released to the public yet, I'm pretty sure a lot of people will be moving to this platform instead of the mainstream ones.

Morgan Wallen

One of the best examples by far. Wallen was canceled for saying the n-word when he was drunk out and about with his buddies. A security camera caught him saying that derogatory word, which caused him to be barred from attending and performing at any of the country music award shows. While I know that the n-word should never be said out loud by anyone of any race, that should not be used to punish Wallen for performing and accepting the awards that he deserves. How much longer are people going to keep milking that cow? It's been over a year since he issued a public apology and he hasn't been doing anything else controversial. He does ONE thing wrong while the Kardashians/Jenners do hundreds of things that are wrong and they're still worshipped on a daily basis.

However, just because somebody gets canceled, does not mean that nothing good will happen to them. This last year in 2021, his album was number one across all the genres for the entire year. He is also headlining his Dangerous Tour, which I myself plan on attending when he comes to CA. 

My Final Thoughts

Cancel culture is THE stupidest thing that has ever existed in my entire existence. As someone who was canceled earlier this year, it is not easy to go through. I used to think that cancel culture was all fun and games until it happened to me, no one should ever feel degraded and kicked around at their weakest moment. I would never wish for someone to be canceled, even if it's people that I truly despise. Cancel Culture is mob mentality to try and gain power because they want to be superior so badly, why doesn't the mob find something else better to do. You will never cancel these celebrities or people you don't like just because you do not like them, as Kacey Musgraves says, "You can't be everybody's Cup Of Tea" people are not meant to be liked by everyone, so leave the people you don't like alone and focus on your own damn lives.


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