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Is #BlackLivesMatter Racist?

We have all heard of these movements, #BlackLivesMatter, #AsianLivesMatter, #BlueLivesMatter, and #AllLivesMatter. Is the meaning behind these hashtags bad? No, not necessarily. People and their kind need to be represented and heard! They're exercising their freedom of speech to protest and express their concerns to other people. However, when we talk about types of movements where race is the dominant factor, the lines get blurred between wanting voices to be heard and acting power hungry where the purpose is no longer looked at. #BlackLivesMatter seems to be the number one thing that is talked about, so we are going to focus on this particular "movement".

What is #BlackLivesMatter?

According to the website, #BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer.

The movement is supposed to stand for black rights, no matter if you are a man, woman, or trans. They feel that systematic racism is a real thing and needs to be rid of. They also fight against police brutality, aka any cop that is white that "attacks" them for "no reason." 

Basically, any black person that dies by a white cop, is when these protests and riots start. It does not matter if the victims that died were a drug abuser like George Floyd, or like that one 16 year old girl that had a knife that went on a stabbing rampage, they will always be worshiped higher than God. 

My interpretation on the website

There was a very large "summary" about the movement on what it stands for. It seems very inclusive in how people can get involved and spread the movement like wildfire. The thing that ticked me off the most was when the summary said "We also believe in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities". You have to "win"? Since when did movements encourage other people to compete in trying to get "rights" for themselves? This competition mindset being planted in people's minds are making movements lose purpose and value.

Win or lose? That's what this "movement is based off of? It sounds like a big, whining, crybaby, victim trip whenever they don't get what they want. They know their rights, they have equal rights, they just want to be put higher than whites to not be "oppressed" anymore.

This movement has been the biggest bandwagoning trend and a huge money maker. The website has an area where you can donate money towards the movement, but where does that money go? If #BlackLivesMatter is profiting so much money off of tricking people into thinking they would "get more rights for themselves" why haven't there been any changes to the constitution? Why not put a law that says "black people are not allowed to go to jail or be physically abused by police". I'm genuinely curious, there have been no news articles of the movement giving back to other people, at least not that I've seen/heard. I wouldn't think the Liberal news would conceal such information like this, they would glorify the shit out of it. Exactly, there haven't been any news where this movement has used the money they made to better something other than themselves. 

Anti-#BlackLivesMatter ≠ Racist

In recent events, I have been called a racist for not supporting the #BlackLivesMatter movement. However, I do not think it's racist to not support a movement where their purpose is not justified.

With the amount of supporters this movement has, there are people of ALL different races that back this movement, not just black people. So, if people say that you are a racist, what the hell are they talking about? Are they talking about people not agreeing with the slogan or the actual people involved in the movement? Honestly, they don't even know what the hell they're talking about, they can't think of any way to fact-check what they believe in, so they're going to jump off the deep end.

Videos De-bunking #BlackLivesMatter

#1. BLM Has No Interest in Helping Black Lives

#2. Exposing Black Lives Matter

#3 Former BLM Leader Quits

My Final Thoughts

As a minority who is writing about this topic, I will never understand the racism and discrimination they faced as extensively as they did in the past, but I do not let the past define who I am as a person. BLM is an excuse to plant a sense of victimhood in these young individuals so that they will never get over the fact that they were once slaves to the white men and women. I think that embracing your past challenges you once faced, and turning those into triumphs, is what makes a person who they truly are! 

How long are these people going to keep holding on to the past? Slavery ended YEARS ago! Abraham Lincoln, a WHITE REPUBLICAN, freed the slaves before he got assassinated. How much longer are you going to keep blaming the Republican party for YOUR OWN DOINGS! We do not need to be educated on how harsh slavery was for you people, we all learned it in our history classes at least three times in our lives. These people now have absolutely nothing to do with oppressing you right now, so why are you still blaming white people who have nothing to do with your hundred year grudge? Quit being such a fucking victim and live your life, YOU are the one that can't live your life if you're still blaming the past that you did not physically live through.

Everyone, who is legal in this country, has a right to an education, career, vote, and to live in America. So the movement needs to stop acting like Blacks need to be above everyone else. I get that Whites were once above us all, but it's still racist is Blacks are getting special privileges as well, no race group should be getting more benefits than the other.


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