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Showing posts from November, 2021

CANCEL Cancel Culture!

I cannot believe we have come to a time in our lives where we have to be either blindly going along with what the majority says and make "disposable friends" or be an independent, free-thinker and get shit on by the majority. Which pill will you take? It's time to educate the weak-minded on the toxicity of cancel culture and remind the strong-minded ones not to cave. What is Cancel Culture? Definition According to Merriam Webster, cancel culture is defined as, "as a way of showing disproval and exerting social pressure" (Webster). So it's a way of bullying people to death until they cave to the audience and doing what they want. So much for the left's "anti-bullying" agenda, am I right? Why Cancel Culture Is Redundant These celebs are canceled for about a couple hours, then the problem blows over with a simple apology or is forgotten about by the time a new big headline comes out. You cannot permanently end these people's careers because th