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Showing posts from August, 2021

Is Freedom Of Speech Limited?

 With the world of politics continuously changing, lines have become blurred when it comes to constitutional rights. The constitution was set in stone to help guide and set order among the people that live in this country. America may be the land of the free, but that freedom also has to come with not breaking laws either. In today's world, I feel that the "freedom" has been very limited and that it has become very one-sided, who gets to have that freedom of expression? Who is "allowed" to have a voice? Who is "allowed" to have an opinion? What is the first amendment? For the people that have studied history at their schools, people know that the first amendment has to do with freedom of speech. If we were to look at that amendment in depth, according to the Legal Information Institute,       "The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. It forbids Congress from both promoting o

Should We Recall Gavin Newsom?

      As most people know, Gavin Newsom is California's governor. He ran for governor in 2018, and barely won against John Cox. Newsom is currently facing his worst nightmare, possibly getting recalled. I thought to myself, despite all the negative stuff I heard about Newsom, is there anything positive that he did for my state? Here's a Democrat and Republican perspective, along with my own thoughts on this question. Democrat Perspective Democrats believe in wanting to tax the living crap out of the rich because everything about them is "fairness". Newsom has passed an economic bill where the poorer class get a tax break, this happened during COVID since the pandemic caused a lot of jobs to be lost. The EDD and other types of COVID relief funding was used as a temporary helping hand to those families in need for when they temporarily lost their job. Another thing that he made effective is that he made the first two years of community college free. The eligible people